
Cold (Coryza)

What is cold?
What are symptoms and signs of cold?
What to eat in cold?
What not to eat in cold?
How to treat a cold?


What is Cold (Coryza)?

Coryza or simple cold is the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity resulting in nasal congestion, loss of smell and running nose etc. It may occur due to infection or allergic reaction or just by exposure to cold temperature, eating spicy foods.

Coryza can also be one of the symptoms of the impending disease of measles. The other three being: Cough, Conjuctivitis, Koplik’s Spots.

The main causes of coryza are:-

  • Exposure to colds
  • Sinusitis which is inflammation or swelling of the tissue that lines the sinuses
  • Influenza or commonly known as flu, a viral disease. It is an acute and infectious disease of the respiratory system and causes inflammation of the mucous membranes. Fever, muscle pain, headache are its other symptoms.
  • Allergy due to pollens, some foods, some medicines or animal dander
  • Sometimes, environmental irritants can be common triggers for an allergic or non-allergic cold such as dust, a perfume, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, some spray, laundry detergents etc.
  • Other triggers may be Sudden changes in weather. In some cases, people even start sneezing after entering or leaving a cold, air-conditioned room.


Coryza Symptoms

 Generally, the condition affects the respiratory system and may be a symptom of a certain condition or disease. The associated symptoms may be:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Stuffy nose or congestion at the root
  • Headache
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Flow of clear, yellow, light brown or green mucus from the nose
  • Loss of smell
  • Body aches or body malaise


What to Eat during a Common Cold?

The most important things one can do when he has a cold or flu is to drink plenty of fluids. Because runny noses and sweating, which often accompanies fever increase the amount of water, the body loses. Dehydration may occur if the fluid intake is not increased to compensate the loss. Drink water or other healthy fluid whenever you are thirsty, but there is no need to overdo it. Hot drinks are also good as the hot steam they produce can relieve congestion. Other fluids which are good options during cold and flu infection may be Juices, Herbal tea, Honey and lemon tea, Broth and Ginger tea.

During colds, your appetite is generally reduced. However, eating enough healthy foods is necessary to manage cold and flu symptoms as the body actually needs more energy and nutrients in its fight with the infection. There is no need to follow a special diet or eat particular foods but one must take care that one eats nutritious foods, including fruits and vegetables which are soft and are easier to swallow with a sore throat.


What not to Eat during a Common Cold?

  • Alcohol: Alcohol weakens the immune system and dehydrates. Both of these can make the colds more miserable.
  • Dairy products: Dairy products can increase mucus production which is the most undesirable thing in a cold.
  • Fried foods: Fried foods are high in fat produce inflammation and inflammation produces a less active immune system.
  • Fast foods: Fast foods and most processed foods do not have any nutritional value. They are made from genetically modified foods and also contain immune-suppressing ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, MSG, artificial colours etc.


Coryza Treatment

Usually common colds will go away in a few days even if go untreated. It is not a life threatening disease. However, to eradicate the feeling of discomfort, one has to treat the underlying conditions.

However, the following homoeopathic medicines may be helpful in curing early:

1. Aconite For early stage of cold, fearful, restless, cheeks hot and red. Caused by exposure to cold dry winds
2. Ars.  Alb. Watery, burning nasal discharge. restlessness, Irritation, weakness, anxiety, thirsty for sips at frequent intervals, chilly, watery thin discharge, but nose feels blocked. Excessive sneezing, tickling of the nose.
3. Allium cepa Profuse and burning nasal discharge. Profuse, bland, watery discharge from eyes. Warm rooms aggravate, better in open air.
4. Belladona Initial stage of cold, sudden onset, high fever, Throbbing headache, red face. Patient radiates heat.
5. Euphrasia Copious fluid from nose Nasal discharge is bland; discharge from the eyes is burning. Cough only in daytime.
6. Nat Mur Early stage of a cold with sneezing. Watery nasal discharge. Cold sores on lips, vesicles in mouth, cracked lips.
7. Rhus Tox Second stage of cold. Worse cold and cold wet weather. Congested nose and scratchy throat. Stiffness and restlessness. Desires cold milk. Worse in cloudy, foggy, rainy weather and getting wet.
8. Nux Vom Cold, chills, worse slightest draft of air, ailments from over-work, runny nose in the morning, obstructed at night; constipation with ineffectual urging.
9. Pulsatilla Weepy and wants to be consoled. Better walking in open air, worse warm stuffy rooms, dry mouth but no thirst, worse from fatty foods; greenish nasal discharge


Biochemic Medicines for Common Cold

For general use, bi-complex no. 5 is also very effective which is a combination of the following medicines: